
詩篇8:2 你因敵人的緣故,從嬰孩和吃奶的口中,建立了能力,使仇敵和報仇的閉口無言。

主,我們的掌權者,不願使用天使加百列或米迦勒抵擋魔鬼,卻命定從嬰孩口中而出的能力去戰勝魔鬼。因為仇敵如此邪惡,它的憤怒如此暴虐,主喜歡鄙視這邪惡、空虛、和憤怒的靈,嘲笑它。祂命定了嬰孩的能力,所以,祂謙卑自己,成為了人,甚至讓自己作所有人的奴僕。祂生在貧苦之中,連枕頭的地方都沒有(太8:20)。 祂用這樣一個軟弱的身軀和謙卑的外貌攻擊敵人,容許自己被釘、被殺、藉著十字架和死亡戰勝敵人和報復者。

這樣,我們的主上帝放著天上的天使之大能力不用,卻用最沒有學識,平民,和世上最軟弱的人,推翻魔鬼與世界的智慧和能力。這就是上帝的工作。上帝賜生命給死人,呼召無能的人。上帝的本性的就是藉著軟弱顯明祂神聖的威儀和能力。主我們的上帝就是如此建立祂的國度的。天國是裝載在軟弱之中的,卻顯出能力。——馬丁路德(1537年的講道)(AE 12:110, 112)

Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants,you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.

The Lord, our Ruler, did not want to use Gabriel or Michael for this, but He wanted to ordain strength from the mouths of infants and sucklings. For since the enemy’s iniquity is great and his anger violent, this Ruler takes pleasure and joy in making a fool of such a wicked, fierce, and proud spirit, and mocking him. In order to ordain this strength, He degrades Himself so profoundly and becomes a man, yes, even degrades Himself below all men, as it is written in Psalm 22:6: “I am a worm and no man; scorned by men, and despised by the people.” Therefore He goes about in poverty, as He Himself says, Matthew 8:20: “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” In such physical weakness and poverty He attacks the enemy, lets Himself be put on the cross and killed, and by His cross and death He destroys the enemy and the avenger.

So our Lord God passes by the greatest and highest might of the angels in heaven. He takes the very simplest, plainest, most unlearned, and weakest on the earth. He sets them against the highest wisdom and power of the devil and the world. These are the works of God, for He is a God “who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist” (Rom. 4:17). Such are His nature and His attributes. ... ... In summary, it is God’s nature to show His majesty and power through vanity and weakness. (AE 12:110, 112)