
約翰福音6:14 若不是差我來的父吸引人,就沒有能到我這裏來的。



信心是上帝的禮物,所以,唯獨上帝才配得這榮耀。沒有人可以自誇地說:他是憑著自己的力量相信上帝的。不!唯獨天父吸引我們,給我們話語,藉著這話語又賜給我們聖靈和信心。這裏沒有自誇,沒有人的工作,只有天父的吸引。——馬丁路德(AE 23:181)

John 6:14 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.

For with the words “No one can come to Me” Christ intends to say that faith is God’s gift. And He is willing to give it, if only we request it of Him. To come to Him means to believe in Christ. But he who does not believe is far from Him. You assume that faith is your doing, your power, your work; and thereby you interfere with God’s work. It is the gift of God, so that He alone may be accorded the honor and no man may boast of his strength. It is the Father who draws us and gives us the Word, and the Holy Spirit and faith by the Word. It is His gift, not our work or power… Here there is no boasting of any work but only of the Father’s drawing. (AE 23:181)