


路加福音2:13–14 忽然,有一大隊天兵同那天使讚美上帝說: 在至高之處榮耀歸與上帝!在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人!

看啊!上帝是怎樣榮耀那些遭鄙視的人和易受藐視的人啊!在此,你可以看到上帝的眼目投射在哪裡?在低賤卑微之處!正如書上說:「他坐在基路伯上,眼望著極深之處。」 是的啊,天使也不向什麼君王顯現,而向那些無知平民,向這地上最卑微之人顯現。天使們怎麼可以不對祭司長和耶路撒冷城裡的學究說話呢?畢竟,這些人整日都談論著上帝和天使呀。不,貧苦的牧羊人,在地上一無所有的人,他們必須配得接受天上盛大的恩典和榮耀。
這些話語已足夠激勵單純的人思考了。各人都當努力思想!這話語就是純火,如果將它存放在心,這話語將溫暖人心,正如我們在耶利米書23:29節中讀到:「耶和華說:『我的話豈不像火。』」 所以,我們看到,上帝之道的本質就是教導我們理解上帝和他的作為。上帝之道的目的就是表明:世俗的生命沒有價值。因為上帝並沒有按照這種世俗的生命而活。他的生命並不擁有什麼貨物、尊貴、和權能。上帝不紀念這些,也未提及這些,而是反面教導,「愚拙」行事。
如果上帝不是如此卑微地降生,如果天使們不單向窮苦的牧羊人發出情不自禁的喜悅,那麼上帝要怎麼做,才能更喜樂地表明上帝恩待世上所有低微、遭輕視之人呢?——馬丁路德(AE 52:13-14)(《講道集》)

God Honors The Lowly
Luke 2:13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

Even as it is disregarded on earth, it is highly honored in heaven, and indeed a thousand times more. Suppose an angel from heaven praised you and your works, would you not consider it greater than the praise and honor of all the world? You would feel you could not bear enough humbleness and contempt for it. Now, what sort of honor is it that all the angels in heaven cannot contain themselves for joy, that they burst forth giving poor shepherds in the field a chance to hear them, that they preach, praise, sing, and pour out their joy beyond measure? Can the joy and honor of all the people of Bethlehem, indeed that of all kings and lords on the earth, be compared to this joy and honor? It is nothing but filth and abomination, of which nobody likes to think when he contemplates this joy and honor!
Behold, how richly God honors those who are despised and apt to be despised of men! Here you see where his eyes are turned: into the depths and low places, as it is written: “He sits above the Cherubim and looks into the depth or the abyss.” Then, too, the angels could not find any princes or potentates, but only unlearned lay people and the lowliest of all the folk on earth. Could they not have addressed the high priests and the learned men of Jerusalem? After all, they talk a lot about God and the angels. No, poor shepherds, who were nothing on earth, had to be worthy to receive such great grace and honor in heaven. How completely does God spurn that which is high! And we only strive madly and frantically after vain heights, lest we be honored in heaven; again and again we step out of God’s horizon, so that he might not see us in the depths, the only place where he looks.
Let this be enough of an incentive for contemplation on the part of simple people. Let each one strive by himself! All words are pure fire, they warm the heart, provided a person keeps them there, as we read in Jeremiah 23[:29]: “My words are like fire.” As we see, it is the nature of the divine words to teach us to understand God and his works; their aim is to show us that this life is nothing. Since he does not live in accordance with this life and does not own goods, honor, and power of this temporal life, he has no regard for them and he does not speak of them, but teaches only the reverse, and acts “foolishly”: he looks at that from which the world turns away, teaches those things from which the world flees, picks up what the world casts aside. And although we do not like going along with such actions of God and do not wish to give up goods, honor, and life in this manner, yet that is how it must be. For it cannot be changed; God teaches and acts in no other manner. We must take our direction from him; he will not take his direction from us. Also, whoever disregards his word, his deed—the nativity—and his consolation, certainly has no good sign of salvation in him. How could God have demonstrated more pleasantly that he is gracious to all those who are lowly and despised on earth than by this lowly birth, from which the angels derive joy and which he reveals to none but the poor shepherds? (AE 52:13-14)(Sermons)

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