



拒絕父母親耶穌的話說得似乎很難聽,但是我知道祂是友善的。即使這樣,我們還是留意到祂對自己的母親是何等的嚴厲。這讓我們確定了:在有關於上帝的事情和工作上,我們不認識父親或母親!正如摩西在《申命記》(33:9)中說:「他論自己的父母說,我未曾看見,他也不承認弟兄,也不認識自己的兒女;這是因利未人遵行你的話,謹守你的約。」 儘管在這個世界上沒有比父母親更大的權柄,但是父母的權柄在上帝的話語和工作開始時,就已經終止了。因為在上帝的事情上,唯有上帝的話語可以教導和引導。父母親不能,更不用說主教或其他人了。如果你的父母想要命令或教導,或甚至祈求你為上帝做任何事情服務上帝,如果沒有上帝清楚地命令,你要說:「我與你有甚麼相干?」因為當耶穌的母親想要這樣做時,基督也用同樣的方法堅決拒絕,哪怕是要做上帝的工作。




Whatsoever Christ Said That, Do That.
John 2:4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”
19. Here note how severely he deals with his own mother, teaching us thereby not only the example of faith mentioned above, but confirming that in things pertaining to God and his service we are to know neither father nor mother. …… For although there is no higher authority on earth than that of father and mother, still this ends when God’s Word and work begin. For in divine things neither father nor mother, still less a bishop or any other person, only God’s Word is to teach and guide. And if father and mother were to order, teach, or even beg you to do anything for God, and in his service that he has not clearly ordered and commanded, you are to reply: Quid mihi et tibi? What have I and you to do with each other? In this same way Christ here refuses absolutely to do God’s work when his own mother wants it.

20. For father and mother are in duty bound, yea, God made them father and mother for this very purpose, not to teach and lead their children to God according to their own notions and devotion, but according to God’s command; as St. Paul declares in Eph 6, 4: “Ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but nurture them in the chastening and admonition of the Lord;” i. e. teach them God’s command and Word, as you were taught, and not notions of your own. Thus in this Gospel lesson you see the mother of Christ directing the servants away from herself unto Christ, telling them not: Whatsoever I say unto you, do it; but: “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” To this Word alone you must direct everyone, if You would direct aright; so that this word of Mary (whatsoever he saith, do it) is, and ought to be, a daily saying in Christendom, destroying all doctrines of men and everything not really Christ’s Word. And we ought firmly to believe that what is imposed upon us over and above God’s Word is not, as they boast and lie, the commandment of the church. For Mary says: Whatsoever he saith that, that, that do, and that alone; for in it there will be enough to do. (Sermon for 2nd Sunday After Epiphany, 1525)(from Martin Luther’s Sermons )

Photo is from christthesaviourhbg.org.