
雅各書2:19 你信 神只有一位,你信的不錯;鬼魔也信,卻是戰驚。



另一種是“信靠”上帝。不但相信有關上帝的事情是真實的,也包括信賴祂,願意冒險與祂相處,一點也不疑惑地相信祂會如同聖經裏所說的那樣對待我。上帝讓一個人成為基督徒,從上帝得到他一切所求。墮落的人或假冒偽善的人沒有這樣的信心。這是活的信心,正如第一誡要求的那樣:“我是你的上帝,你不可有別的神”。——馬丁路德(LW 43:24)

quote 你相信你一切所求都可以從上帝而得嗎?

James 2:19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

Notice here that faith is exercised in two ways.

First, a faith about God meaning that I believe that what is said about God is true, just as I might say I believe that what people say about the Turks, the devil, and hell is true. This kind of believing is more an item of knowledge or an observation than a creed.

The second kind of faith means believing in God—not just that I believe that what is said about God is true, but that I put my trust in him, that I make the venture and take the risk to deal with him, believing beyond doubt that what he will be toward me or do with me will be just as they [the Scriptures] say.…… God makes a person a Christian and obtains all he desires from God. No corrupt or hypocritical heart can have such a faith; this is a living faith as the First Commandment demands: I am your God; you shall have no other gods.(AE 43:24)

quoteDo you believe you can obtain all your desires from God?