
加拉太書5:13 不可將你們的自由當作放縱情慾的機會,總要用愛心互相服事。


因为这个缘故,我们必须再次指责那些无耻的灵,不能让步。它们说:我们不能再用律法恐吓,也不能将他们交付撒旦(哥林多前書5:5)。我们必须教导他们,告诉他们:如果他们放纵情欲任行其道,且故意漠视良心,坚持活在罪中,他们就不是基督徒。在福音的名下放纵,更加恶劣。以基督徒的自由为名遮掩罪恶,更加该死,因为这种生命让基督的名倍受毁谤,福音也遭鄙视。因为,良善的良心和信心不能与这生命共存,所以,我们应当除去这种生命。——马丁路德(AE 77:15)

Galatians 5:13 Do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

For that reason we must again rebuke and not give way to the shameless spirits who assert that we should not frighten people with the Law nor immediately hand them over to the devil. Rather, we must teach them and tell them that they are not Christians nor do they have faith if they let their flesh have its wantonness and purposely remain and persist in sins against conscience. This is so much the worse and damnable when it is done under the name and cover of the Gospel and Christian freedom, for in that way the name of Christ and of the Gospel is slandered and despised. For that reason, this must simply be thrown away and driven out, since faith and a good conscience cannot exist with it. (AE 77:15)