


路加福音2:17 (牧羊人們)既然看見,就把天使論這孩子的話傳開了。

19. 第七個要點是:他們(牧羊人們)坦蕩承認自己所見之事,並公開宣講天使論到這孩子的話。這是基督徒生命中最高的善工。為了作到這工,我們要冒著生命、身體、財產和名聲的風險。因為邪靈不會太殘酷地逼迫那些信仰正確,但卻隱密不傳福音的人。魔鬼卻不能忍受那為了他人的好處,四處走動,散播,承認,講論和贊美這道的人。所以,路加在這裡說:牧羊人不僅來看了,而且他們傳講在野地從天使聽到論到這孩子的道。他們不僅講給馬利亞和約瑟聽,而且講給所有人聽。
20. 你難道以為不會有太多人以為這些牧羊人是傻瓜瘋子嗎?人們想:這些粗鄙的牧羊人沒有受過教育,居然還想說出天使的歌聲和講道呢?把他們中間一人放在當今世界,讓他在教皇、主教、和學究們面前講這事情,越發被當成瑣事一樁呢?但是,這些牧羊人充滿信心和喜樂,為了上帝的緣故,快樂地在人們面前作傻子。基督徒也作同樣的事。因為上帝之道必須被這世界當成愚言謬語。——馬丁路德(聖誕節期第二主日的福音)(AE 75:252)

What Is The Highest Work Of Christians?
Luke 2:17 And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child.

19. The seventh [point] is that they (shepherds) freely confess and publicly preach the word that was spoken to them about the child, which is the highest work in the Christian life. In this we are to risk our body and life, our wealth and honor. For the evil spirit does not attack so harshly those who believe correctly but live secretly and by themselves. He will not put up with it when we go forth and spread, confess, preach, and praise this for the good of others. Therefore, Luke says here that the shepherds did not only come and see, but they also preached what they heard in the field about this child, not only before Mary and Joseph but also before everybody.
20. Do you not think there were many who thought [the shepherds] were fools and insane in that they attempted, as coarse and unschooled laymen, to speak of the angels’ song and sermon? How would one of them be received now, if he brought such stories and much more trifling ones before the pope, bishop, and scholars? But the shepherds, full of faith and joy, cheerfully were fools before men for God’s sake. A Christian also does the same. For God’s Word must be considered as foolishness and falsehood in this world. (Gospel for the Second Day of Christmas)(AE 75:252)

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