


加拉太書1:1 作使徒的保羅(不是由於人,也不是借著人,乃是借著耶穌基督,與叫他從死裡復活的父上帝)

這誇口不是虛空的驕傲,而是抵擋魔鬼和世界,最聖潔的驕傲。這驕傲在上帝的眼中是真正的謙卑。——馬丁路德(《加拉太書》注釋,1535年)(AE 26:20–21)

Boast The Calling
Galatians 1:1 Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father,

Thus you see how necessary it is to boast and glory in our ministry this way. In the past, when I was only a young theologian and doctor, I thought it was imprudent of Paul in his epistle to boast of his call so often. But I did not understand his purpose, for I did not know that the ministry of the Word of God was so weighty a matter. I did not know anything about the doctrine of faith and a true conscience. In the schools and churches no certainty was being taught, but everything was filled with the sophistic trifles and nursery rhymes of the canonists and commentators on the Sentences. Therefore no one could understand how forceful and powerful is this holy and spiritual boasting about a call, which serves first to the glory of God, secondly to the advancement of our own ministry, and also to our own benefit and to that of the people. When we boast this way, we are not looking for prestige in the world or praise from men or money, or for pleasure or the good will of the world. The reason for our proud boasting is that we are in a divine calling and in God’s own work, and that the people need to be assured of our calling, in order that they may know that our word is in fact the Word of God. This, then, is not a vain pride; it is a most holy pride against the devil and the world. And it is a true humility in the sight of God. (Lectures on Galatians, 1535)(AE 26:20–21)
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