


加拉太書1:1 作使徒的保羅(不是由於人,也不是借著人,乃是借著耶穌基督,與叫他從死裡復活的父上帝)


與「使徒」相反,基督在約翰福音10:8用另外的稱呼,稱呼另一些人,說:「他們是自己來的,不是受差遣的。」 基督解釋說:「他們都是賊,是強盜」。因為,他們不傳講那差遣他們之人的話語。他們反而為了自己的利益,而殺死羊只。 基督說:「所有自己來,不是受差遣來的都是賊和強盜。」那麼傳講自己的教義,人的律法規則,或哲學的人,他們可以被稱為使徒嗎?的確,他們是盜賊強盜,靈魂的毀滅者和屠夫。

上帝差遣出他的道,借著這道,上帝醫治他們(詩107:20詩篇107:20 他發命醫治他們,救他們脫離死亡。」[一]。更清楚地說,就是:只要是常常傳講上帝之道,這道必定令良心愉悅,向著上帝開朗,並沒有憂慮,因為這是恩典之道,赦免之道,甜蜜恩慈之道。——馬丁路德(《加拉太書》注釋,1535年)(AE 27:163–165)

詩篇107:20 他發命醫治他們,救他們脫離死亡。

Who Is An Apostle?

Galatians 1:1 Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father,

“Apostle” is a modest name but at the same time a marvelously awesome and venerable one, a name which expresses equally both remarkable lowliness and loftiness.
The lowliness lies in the fact that he is sent, thus bearing witness to his office, his role as servant, his obedience. Furthermore, no one should be impressed by the name as being a title of honor, rely on it, or boast of it. No, by the name of the office he should be drawn at once to Him who does the sending, to Him who authorizes it. From Him one then gains a conception of the majesty and loftiness of him who has been sent and is a servant, in order that he may be received with reverence.

These men Christ calls by the apposite name in John 10:8—not “those who have been sent” but “those who come.” And interpreting Himself, He calls them “thieves and robbers,” since they do not bring the Word of Him who sends them to feed the sheep with it but carry off their own gain and thereby slaughter the sheep. “All who came,” He says—that is, were not sent—“are thieves and robbers.”But the man who brings his own dogmas or those that rest on human laws and decrees, or those of the philosopher—can he be called an apostle? Indeed, he is one who comes as a thief, a robber, and a destroyer and slayer of souls.
As often as the word of man is preached, it renders the conscience sad, cramped, and full of fear in itself, because it is a word of the Law, of wrath and sin; it shows what a person has failed to do and how deeply he is in debt. Therefore the church, since its beginning, has never been less happy than it is now; and daily it becomes unhappier, because it is harassed by so many decrees, laws, and statutes, and by almost countless torments, and is far more cruelly weakened than it was by the torturers at the time of the martyrs.

He, namely, God, sent His Word, and in that way He healed them (Ps. 107:20).To put it clearly, this means that as often as the Word of God is preached, it renders consciences joyful, expansive, and untroubled toward God, because it is a Word of grace and forgiveness, a kind and sweet Word.(Lectures on Galatians, 1535)(AE 27:163–165)
Photo is “St.Paul-PhilippeChampaigne” by Philippe de Champaigne – http://www.philippedechampaigne.org/St.Paul-large.html. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St.Paul-PhilippeChampaigne.jpg#/media/File:St.Paul-PhilippeChampaigne.jpg