


詩篇143:3 所以,我的靈在我裏面發昏;我的心在我裏面悽慘。

詩篇143:4 我追想古時之日,思想你的一切作為,默念你手的工作。
古時,上帝讓他的聖徒經歷這樣的缺乏:他們無法用自己的工作、能力、知識、或虔誠,支持什麼人。所以,詩篇44:1-3說:「上帝啊,你在古時,我們列祖的日子所行的事,我們親耳聽見了;我們的列祖也給我們述說過。你曾用手趕出外邦人,卻栽培了我們列祖;你苦待列邦,卻叫我們列祖發達。因為他們不是靠自己的刀劍得地土,也不是靠自己的膀臂得勝,乃是靠你的右手、你的膀臂,和你臉上的亮光,因為你喜悅他們。」(AE 14:198–199)

詩篇143:6 我向你舉手;我的心渴想你,如乾旱之地盼雨一樣。
驕傲的心不能相信這些。所以,他們把自己的思想、話語、和教義都建立在自己的工作上。他們飽足了,並不渴想恩典。他們也不會向上帝舉手。他們想到自己的生命就全然滿足了。——馬丁路德(AE 14:200)

Why Christians Are In Need?
Psalm 143:4 Therefore my spirit faints within me; my heart within me is appalled.
This is the right kind of sacrifice, one that pleases God, as already stated in the fourth of these psalms (51:17), namely, a soul that has no comfort among creatures and is even forsaken and persecuted by itself, so that it looks for nothing but the pure grace of God. Those who weep are blessed, for they shall be comforted (Matt. 5:4).
Psalm 143:5 I remember the days of old.
Those who are illustrious and exalted and dwell in the light of men do not want to be troubled and sad. They have comfort and joy in the present life and in the works of their own strength, wisdom, and righteousness; they do not need God. But I, who am so poor in these things, know of no other comfort than this, that God in times past has permitted all His saints to experience need and has never sustained anyone through his own works, abilities, knowledge, or piety. Thus Ps. 44:1–3: “O God, we have heard, our fathers have told us, what deeds Thou didst perform in their days, how Thou didst drive out and afflict the heathen, that Thou mightest plant them in their land. For indeed, not with their swords did they possess the land, nor did their own power help them, but Thy power and the gracious light of Thy countenance; for it pleased Thee to do this even though they did not deserve it.” (AE 14:198–199)

Psalm 143:6 My soul thirsts for Thee like a parched land.
Just as a parched field thirsts for rain, so my soul thirsts for Thy grace, as in Ps. 63:1: “My soul thirsts for Thee.” This flows from the knowledge that all work without God’s grace is nothing. The proud in heart do not believe this. Therefore their thoughts, words, and doctrine rest on their own works. They are sated and do not thirst for grace, nor do they stretch forth their hands to God. They consider their life entirely satisfactory. (AE 14:200)
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