

我們自然的愛的力量是如此的大,以致於我們在面對離別時,心裡不得不悲傷,甚至好像自己也經歷死亡一般。…… 所以,請你為我們感謝上帝,因為上帝用這種方式榮耀我們的肉體,他的恩典實在作了極大的工。

多年後,他再得一個女兒。抹大拉1529年12月17日出生在Wittenberg。她是路德夫婦第三個孩子。她使得路德得不少的安慰。他很疼愛這個女兒,甚至沒有生過她的氣。抹大拉在家中的小名是Lenchen(琳蘅)。正如畫家老盧卡斯(Lucas Cranach)所畫的那樣。抹大拉有一對大眼睛,深邃且明亮。但是她13歲那年卻因長期的疾病而逝。




「我相信你已經收到消息了。我最愛的女兒抹大拉已經在基督永恆的國度裡重生了。我和妻子應該喜樂地感恩,因為抹大拉擁有這樣一個令人愉悅的離別和蒙福的結束,她逃脫了肉體、世界、和土耳其人與魔鬼的權勢。但是,我們自然的愛的力量是如此的大,以致於我們在面對離別時,不能不哭泣,心裡不得不悲傷,甚至好像自己也經歷死亡一般。抹大拉生前和死前的身影、話語、動作仍深刻在我們的心裡。基督的死應該將這一切拿走,卻也是不能。所以,請你為我們感謝上帝,因為上帝用這種方式榮耀我們的肉體,他的恩典實在作了極大的工。你知道,抹大拉有溫柔、愛心的性情,並蒙所有人喜愛。…… 願上帝賜給我和所有我愛之人有這樣的死亡——或生命。」


How Luther Faced Death
Magdalena was born in Wittenberg as Luther couple’s third child and second but first surviving daughter, as her older sister, Elizabeth, had died the year before Magdalena was born, at the age of seven months. Luther reported to Nicholas von Amsdorf that Katharina had gone into labour and after three hours, had delivered, without any difficulties, a perfectly healthy baby daughter. She was a much loved child and she was nicknamed Lenchen inside her family.
Magdalena died in Wittenberg in her father’s arms after a prolonged illness. Luther’s letters and Table Talk testify that the death of Magdalena was an extremely trying time for both her parents and her older brother Hans, who was summoned home to be with his sister at the very end. It was later written:
The beloved child, Magdalena, is sick. Her portrait, painted by Cranach, is seen still in the room where she was lying, a lovely child, with large eyes, clear and deep. Near the bed is now Luther, he prays: “I love her a lot, but good God, if your will is to take her, I will give her to you with great pleasure. Then, addressing her: My little Magdalena, my little girl, soon you will not be with me, will you be happy without your father? The tired child tenderly and softly answered: Yes, dear father, as God wants.
Soon, we put her in the coffin. Luther looked.
「Ah! Sweet Lenchen”, he says, 「you will rise again and you will shine like a star, yes, like the sun! I am happy in the spirit, but my earthly form is very sad.」
He wrote to Justus Jonas: I believe the report has reached you that my dearest daughter Magdalena has been reborn into Christ’s eternal kingdom. I and my wife should joyfully give thanks for such a felicitous departure and blessed end by which Magdalena escaped the power of the flesh, the world, the Turk and the devil; yet the force of our natural love is so great that we are unable to do this without crying and grieving in our hearts, or even without experiencing death ourselves. The features, the words and the movements of the living and dying daughter remain deeply engraved in our hearts. Even the death of Christ… is unable to take this all away as it should. You, therefore, give thanks to God in our stead. For indeed God did a great work of grace when he glorified our flesh in this way. Magdalena had (as you know) a mild and lovely disposition and was loved by all… God grant me and all my loved ones and all my friends such a death – or rather such a life.(Text is from wikipedia.com under Magdalena Luther.)
Photo is “Magdalena Luther” by Lucas Cranach the Elder – Terminartors.com. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Magdalena_Luther.jpg#/media/File:Magdalena_Luther.jpg