

〖譬如:當基督說:「願你們平安。」 信心就說:「阿們!我相信在基督裏有平安。」 這樣,信心就把這平安輸送給了靈魂。當上帝說:「你當倚靠耶和華而行善;住在地上,以祂的信實為糧。(詩篇37:3)」 信心就說:「阿們!我相信上帝是信實的!」 就把上帝的信實傳遞給了靈魂。〗


〖對信祂的人,基督就賜下權柄。而這賜下的權柄又是由信心接納,為有信心者所佔有的!〗(摘錄於《基督徒的自由》AE 31:349,有修改)

The Healing Is Brought to Me by Faith

Since these promises of God are holy, true, righteous, free, and peaceful words, full of goodness, the soul which clings to them with a firm faith will be so closely united with them and altogether absorbed by them that it not only will share in all their power but will be saturated and intoxicated by them. If a touch of Christ healed, how much more will this most tender spiritual touch, this absorbing of the Word, communicate to the soul all things that belong to the Word. This, then, is how through faith alone without works the soul is justified by the Word of God, sanctified, made true, peaceful, and free, filled with every blessing and truly made a child of God, as John 1[:12] says: 「But to all who … believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.」 (AE 31:349)