
羅馬書12:2 不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為上帝的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。


譬如:每日我們甘心作貧窮的、有病的、被鄙視的傻瓜和罪人,最終以為死比生更好,愚蠢比智慧更寶貴,恥辱比尊貴更高貴,貧窮比富有更有福,罪比虔誠更榮耀。[註解一]世界的想法與這樣的想法完全相悖。世界的想法不能變化,不能更新,固執且破舊。——馬丁路德(AE 77:288-89)

死比生更好:林後5:8 我們坦然無懼,是更願意離開身體與主同住。
愚蠢比智慧更寶貴:林前1:21 世人憑自己的智慧,既不認識 神, 神就樂意用人所當作愚拙的道理拯救那些信的人,這就是 神的智慧了。
恥辱比尊貴更高貴:林前1:27-28 神卻揀選了世上愚拙的,叫有智慧的羞愧;又揀選了世上軟弱的,叫那強壯的羞愧。神也揀選了世上卑賤的,被人厭惡的,以及那無有的,為要廢掉那有的。
路1:53 祂叫飢餓的得飽美食,叫富足的空手回去。
路6:20 耶穌舉目看著門徒,說:「你們貧窮的人有福了,因為 神的國是你們的!
林後8:9 我們主耶穌基督的恩典:他本來富足,卻為你們成了貧窮,叫你們因他的貧窮,可以成為富足。
罪比虔誠更榮耀:路 5:32 我來本不是召義人悔改,乃是召罪人悔改。回到原文

How To Renew the Mind

Romans 12:2 Do not conform yourself to this world, but transform yourselves by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.

We still have in us quite a lot of the mind and inclination of the world. For that reason it is necessary for us to be careful not to follow the ways of the world or our own reason and good opinions, but rather always to break our mind and will, and do and suffer otherwise than our reason and will assert, so that we are not conformed to the world but do the opposite. So we will daily be transformed and renewed in our minds; that is, we daily, more and more, cling to what the world and reason hate. For example, we daily prefer to be poor, sick, and despised fools and sinners, and finally regard death as better than life, foolishness as more precious than wisdom, shame as more noble than honor, poverty as more blessed than wealth, and sin as more glorious than piety. The world does not have that mind-set, but is minded differently in all things; it remains in that old mind-set unchanged and unrenewed, stubborn and decrepit. (AE 77:288-89)