
以弗所書2:10 我們原是他的工作,在基督耶穌裏造成的,為要叫我們行善,就是上帝所預備叫我們行的。


知道這些之後,我們就要把好行為視為一個確實的記號。行為就如同信封上的印戳一樣(這印證明發信人的真偽),我的行為向我證實了:我的信心是真的。如果我心中感到:我所做的工是由愛而發的,我就確定我的信心是真的。如果我赦免我的弟兄姐妹,這赦免的善功證明我的信心是真的。這善功給了我一個證據:上帝已經赦免了我,並繼續每日赦免我。但是,如果我不赦免人,我就必須結論:我缺乏信心。——馬丁路德(WA 10.1:317)

Ephesians  2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

We must receive before we can give out. Before we can do works of mercy, we must first receive mercy from God. We don’t lay the first stone, nor does the sheep seek the shepherd, but the shepherd the sheep. Therefore with regard to works, remember that they merit nothing before God, but without merit, we receive everything that we have from God.

After that, we may regard works as a sure sign, like a seal on a letter, assuring me that that my faith is right. The reason is that if I feel in my heart that the work flows from love, I am sure that my faith is right. If I forgive my brother or sister, such forgiving makes me certain that my faith is right and confirms me, and gives me proof of my belief that God has forgiven me and continues to forgive me day after day; but if I do not forgive, I must certainly conclude that I lack faith.(WA 10.1:317)