
提多書3:4-5 但到了神我們救主的恩慈和他向人所施的慈愛顯明的時候,祂便救了我們。




在福音中,上帝不僅展現出祂邀請和幫助我們的神聖恩慈,而且祂甚至懷抱著我們,想要與我們在一起,還不停地賜給我們的祂的恩典和友愛。這兩個甜蜜和安慰的詞匯:恩慈和慈愛,是我們的上帝給我們的承諾:上帝賜恩典給我們,不離棄我們,並以最慈愛的方式接納凡願意就近祂的人。難道上帝還可以做得比這些更多嗎?現在你可以知道為什麼福音實在是上帝在基督裡令人安慰和可愛的話語了。——馬丁路德 (WA 10.1/iff)

【摘錄至:馬丁路德的《1522年聖誕日早堂崇拜的講道》(WA10卷一和Complete Sermons of Martin Luther,3卷二之144頁及之後)】


Titus 3:4-5 When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us.

Thus God has shown himself in his gospel altogether loving and kind toward us, willing to receive everyone, despising none, forgiving all our weakness, never driving any away with severity. The gospel proclaims pure grace, with which God helps us and surrounds us in the most benevolent way, so that no one is treated according to their merits and deserts. This is the time of grace, where everyone may draw near to the throne of God with complete trust and confidence.

In the gospel, God has revealed to us divine kindness not only in helping us and inviting us to be near him, but even holds to us, seeks to be with us, and offers us unceasingly his grace and friendship. These are two sweet and comfortable words and promises of our God, namely, that God offers grace to us and it does not leave us, and that God receives in a most loving way all who desire to draw near him. What more could God do? You can see, why gospel is called a comfortable and lovely message of God in Christ. What sweeter word could be spoken to a wretched, sinful conscience?

(Sermons from the year 1522 WA 10/1: i ff)