


約翰福音16:13 只等真理的聖靈來了,他要引導你們明白一切的真理;因為他不是憑自己說的,乃是把他所聽見的都說出來,並要把將來的事告訴你們。

這是我已經用聖經表明的,我自己也常常經歷的。因為,我自己也不過是一個不成熟的神學家。我這樣說是避免高抬自己,超過那些「很久之前就超越聖經,升入雲端,住在聖靈羽翼之下的大思想家們」。【 譯者注:這是馬丁路德諷刺的反話。】但是,經驗總是告訴我:一旦我的思想漫遊在聖經以外,就被魔鬼俘獲。當我妄圖飄飛登天,尋求基督時,魔鬼就帶著我,到了一個尋找不到上帝,甚至自己也不知所謂的地步。
聖靈唯獨使用這道,管制基督教會,直到末了。——馬丁路德(《約翰福音》講道)(AE 24:362 Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis)

The Spirit of the Word
John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

Here Christ makes the Holy Spirit a Preacher. He does so to prevent one from gaping toward heaven in search of Him, as the fluttering spirits and enthusiasts do, and from divorcing Him from the oral Word or the ministry. One should know and learn that He will be in and with the Word, that it will guide us into all truth, in order that we may believe it, use it as a weapon, be preserved by it against all the lies and deception of the devil, and prevail in all trials and temptations. For there is, after all, no other way and no other means of perceiving the Holy Spirit’s consolation and power, as I have often demonstrated from Holy Writ and have often experienced myself. For I, too, am a half-baked theologian.29 This I say lest I exalt myself over the great minds who have long ago ascended into the clouds beyond all Scripture and have nestled under the wings of the Holy Spirit. But experience has taught me all too often that whenever the devil catches me outside Scripture and sees that my thoughts are rambling and that I, too, am fluttering toward heaven, he brings me to the point of not knowing where God is or where I am. The Holy Spirit wants this truth which He is to impress into our hearts to be so firmly fixed that reason and all one’s own thoughts and feelings are relegated to the background. He wants us to adhere solely to the Word and to regard it as the only truth. And through this Word alone He governs the Christian Church to the end.(Sermons on the Gospel of St. John)(AE 24:362 Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis)