






經上說的是:「聽他!」聽就是聽。這是一個命令。只有「聽」他,我們才真正地遵從上帝的旨意。天父已經承諾賜聖靈於所有聽兒子話語的人,啓發他,激動他明白這是上帝之道。上帝將使他成為合上帝心意的人。他一定會如此成就。——馬丁路德(《約翰福音》講道)(AE 23:229–230 from CPH.org)

How To Listen To Jesus?

According to Matt. 17:5, the Father’s voice was heard to say on lofty Mt. Tabor: “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.

Now this is the will of the Father, that we be intent on hearing what the Man Christ has to say, that we listen to His Word. You must not cavil at His Word, find fault with it, and dispute it. Just hear it. Then the Holy Spirit will come and prepare your heart, that you may sincerely believe the preaching of the divine Word, even give up your life for it, and say: “This is God’s Word and the pure truth.” But if you insist that you be heard, that your reason interpret Christ’s Word; if you presume to play the master of the Word, to propound other doctrines; if you probe it, measure it, and twist the words to read as you want them to, brood over them, hesitate, doubt, and then judge them according to your reason—that is not hearing the Word or being its pupil. Then you are setting yourself up as its schoolmaster. In that way you will never discover the meaning of Christ’s Word or of His heavenly Father’s will.
Therefore it is impossible for him who presumes to play the schoolmaster to understand God’s Word. That is what the pope and the schismatic spirits do. They take any passage from Holy Writ, drivel over it, carve it up, toy with it, and work at it until they grow entirely blind over it. For instance, they reduce the Sacrament of the Altar to a mere token, and they also despise Baptism. In that way one will never learn to understand God’s Word and to say: “This is God’s Word!” ……
Simply hear what the Son of God says; hear His Word, and adhere to it. It is written: “Hear Him!” To hear, to hear—that is the command, and thus we truly conform to God’s will. He has promised to give the Holy Spirit to him who hears the Son, to enlighten and inflame him to understand that it is God’s Word. God will make a man out of him after His own heart. This He will surely do. (Sermons on the Gospel of St. John)(AE 23:229–230 from CPH.org)