


詩篇 73:12-14

天使是服事的靈。他們服事受造物。他們為了世界和敬畏上帝的人之安全和福利而戰。…… 他們也明白「惡人的好命」與「虔誠人的惡運」相互配合正是上帝奇妙地治理世人的方法。當我們的生命還是屬肉體時,就不能明白箇中道理。但當世界末了,或現在的生命過後,我們就可以看到這種治理方式最為美麗,多麼和諧、協同配合。就如,不懂音樂之人不明白交響樂里風琴竪琴的美妙和眾聲的協調。他因為沒有和弦的學問,還以為萬事雜亂,以為上帝睡著了,魔鬼卻醒著掌權呢。同時,理智依照當下的感覺來判斷,覺得這個世界既不是上帝在掌權,也不是人在控制,而所有的事都只是碰巧發生而已。這就是屬肉體的智慧,並沒有認識到「上帝的治理」,即:上帝所保守的事物比世界毀滅的事物要多得多。相似的,上帝的良善遠大過魔鬼的邪惡。這種認識是屬天的,其價值不可估量。

Haphazard? Or Harmony?

Psalm 73:12–14
Behold, these are the wicked; always at ease, they increase in riches. ……
All the day long I have been stricken and rebuked every morning.

The angels are ministering spirits and servants of creation. They fight for the safety and welfare of the world and the godly. ……They also well understand that wondrous government of this life, namely, how the good fortune of the ungodly agrees with the adverse fortune of the godly, which we cannot understand in this life of the flesh. But at the end of the world and after this life we shall see the most beautiful harmony and concord of this administration.
Just as the rustic does not understand the wonderful symphony of so many sounds in organs or the lyre because he is ignorant of the whole science of harmony, so also we judge that all things are being carried along haphazardly, and we think that God is asleep and the devil awake and reigning. At the same time, the judgment of reason makes its presence felt. It determines that neither God nor man is the ruler of this world but that human affairs take place by chance. This is the wisdom of the flesh, not that heavenly and inestimable knowledge of God’s government which shows that the number of those things which are preserved is greater than the number of the things which perish in the world, and likewise, that God’s goodness is greater than the devil’s ill will. But fleshly reason still remains fixed in the saints and causes them to waver when they see such great confusions and the dissimilarity of fortune. This comes to pass because we are not yet in that light which the angels enjoy and do not yet perceive how sin and righteousness, death and life, darkness and light come into agreement. (Lectures on Genesis)(AE 6:92–93)