


約翰福音4:39–42 那城裏有好些撒馬利亞人信了耶穌,因為那婦人的見證……因耶穌的話,信的人就更多了,
如果上帝讓我和所有老師的聖經解釋都毀滅了,所有基督徒自己取用純淨的、清晰的、上帝的聖經話語!你就可以看出我的呀呀學語和上帝的話語之間的區別是遠超測度的。上帝的話語和人的話語之間有巨大的分別。沒有人可以用他所有的言語換取和解明上帝之道裏的一個字。上帝之道是無限的,必須用一個安靜的靈魂去捕捉和深入思考。正如詩人所說:「我要聽上帝自己在我裏面說話」(詩85:8)[譯者注]。唯有安靜的、沈思的靈方可掌握上帝之道。如果有人可以不借助註釋和解釋而達到這境界,他就不需要我和其他人的註釋。他人的註釋只是他的阻礙!所以,親愛的基督徒啊,進去吧!進入到上帝的話語裏。我和其他老師的註釋不過如同真正建築物以外的腳手架,幫助我們抓住且品嚐那純淨、清晰的上帝之道,並留在其中,因為上帝唯獨住在其中,如同住在錫安山一般。阿們。(AE 76:137)


The Pure, Clear Word
John 4:39-42 Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ……And many more believed because of his word.
If only God would grant that my interpretation and that of all teachers perish and that every Christian himself would take for himself the pure Scripture and the clear Word of God! You can see from my babbling how immeasurably different God’s Word is from human words, and how no man with all his words is able sufficiently to attain to and elucidate a single Word of God. It is an infinite Word that must be grasped and contemplated with a quiet spirit, as the psalmist says, 「I will hear what God Himself speaks in me」 (Psalm 85:8). No one but such a quiet, contemplating spirit grasps it. Whoever could arrive at this without glosses and interpretations would have no need of my glosses and those of other men; indeed, they would only be in his way. Therefore, go in, go in, dear Christians, and let my interpretation and that of other teachers be only a scaffold for the true building, so that we may grasp and taste the pure, clear Word of God and remain there, for there alone God dwells in Zion. Amen. (From the conclusion of the 1522 and 1525 editions of the Church Postil)(Luther’s Works 76:137 n. 134)

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