


約翰福音1:6 有一個人,是從上帝那裏差來的,名叫約翰。



相對應的,他必需有一個恰當的名字。「約翰」的意思就是「充滿恩典」。這是天使在他出生前給他名字。他不能像世人一樣隨意取一個名字。正如上帝賦予他人其他名字一樣,「約翰」這個名字正代表著其意義。上帝所愛的兒子名叫「耶穌」也是有原因的,「因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裏救出來(太1:21)」。所以,約翰叫這個名字並不是因為他自己,而是因為他的職責和他的見證。這職分就是約翰要為已經出現的基督,為了整個世界得拯救,得安慰作見證,而不僅只是為了猶太人,也不是為他自己作見證。——馬丁路德(《約翰福音》講道)(AE 22:43–44)

Be A Christian Who Has A Mission

John 1:6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

Now Christ was to come humbly and unassumingly, without any of the show and ostentation that is so impressive, particularly to carnal minds. He was to conquer the world with His Word and His miracles, not with gun or sword or physical might. For this reason it was not an angel who was sent to succeed Moses, the prophets, the priests, and the Levites as a messenger of God; it was a man, whose name was John. Yet he was more than a prophet, as Christ bears witness concerning him (Matt. 11:9).
He was sent by God—that is, he did not come on his own, unauthorized—to go before the Lord. He was to rap at the doors, arouse the Jews, and testify of the Lord who had been promised them, saying: 「Open your doors and gates. Your Savior, for whom you have waited so long, has arrived! Awake! Behold, the new Light is present, the Light which was with God from the beginning, which is the eternal God, and which has now become man! See to it that you do not let Him go unnoticed! This is Christ the Lord, for whom you have waited so long and for whom you have yearned and sighed. He is standing before your door. Yes, He is among you (John 1:26). Go out to meet Him! Receive your Lord, and accept Him! To forestall any excuse on your part that you would gladly have received Him if only you had been informed, ample announcement and testimony has been given you.」……
Accordingly, he also bore an appropriate name, namely, John, which means 「rich in grace.」 This name was given to him by the angel before his birth. He did not have to put up with a chance name as other people do, but he received a name that conferred what it signified, as all other names chosen and conferred by God do. Thus also God’s own beloved Son was not called Jesus without reason, but because He was to save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21). Thus John does not have this name because of his person; he has it because of his office and his testimony. For he was not to preach and testify of himself, of his food and raiment, but of Christ, who had now appeared, for the salvation and consolation not only of the Jews but of the entire world.
Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 1-4. (AE 22:43–44)

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