


诗篇145:15 萬民都舉目仰望你;你隨時給他們食物。

我们应当感谢上帝,因为他使谷物生长。我们要知道:并不是我们的工作使谷物生长,而是上帝的祝福,促使谷物、葡萄、和各種作物生长(林前3:6哥林多前書3:6 我栽種了,亞波羅澆灌了,惟有 神叫他生長。[一]。這些都是我們吃喝用所必需的。
一顆虔誠信靠的心實在明白:我們犁地、撒種、和其他辛勞都需要上帝的幫助。我們雖然仍需辛勤地作工,從地裏得到我們需要的食物(創3:19),但是我們不會單單倚靠這些,好像這些都是我們親手成就的。上帝必需祝福,使其昌盛,再加上全能的護衛抵禦一切邪惡。我們才有收成。——馬丁路德(AE 14:122-123)

哥林多前書3:6 我栽種了,亞波羅澆灌了,惟有 神叫他生長。

Psalm 145:15 The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season.

We are to learn from this and to praise and thank God for making the grain grow. We are to recognize that it is not our work but His blessing and gift that grain, wine, and all kinds of crops grow, for us to eat and drink and use for our needs, as is shown in the Lord’s Prayer when we say: “Give us this day our daily bread.” With the word “give” we concede that it is God’s gift, not our creation. If He did not give it, not a single seed would grow, and all our agriculture would be for nothing. In truth, this gift is so tremendous that it must be miraculously preserved through God’s power until such time as we can receive and enjoy it. For how quickly the seed in the ground could rot, freeze, mold, be eaten by worms, or be washed away by water! And even when it sprouts, how quickly it could be destroyed by heat, weather, and hail, or eaten up by bugs and other animals! And who can count all the dangers to which the grain and vines are exposed before they are brought to the barns? Even there it can still be devoured by worms and be gone. The devil would not let a blade or leaf sprout or grow were God not constantly on guard.
Therefore when we see a whole field or one grain, we should recognize not only God’s goodness but also His power and say to ourselves: “O lovely grain! God gives you to us in abundance out of His great goodness. And with what great power He protects you! What dangers have you not survived from the hour when you were sown until you are put on the table! With what mighty power has He not torn you from the devil’s fingers and hands, which clutch and snatch to destroy you and starve us!”
But a devout and believing heart understands well how useless all our plowing, sowing, and the like would be without the help of God’s gifts. Although we are to do such work with diligence and seek our nourishment from the soil (Gen. 3:19), we are not to depend solely on this as though it could be done with our hands. More than our hands is necessary. God must bless and prosper it, and then mightily defend it against all devils.(AE 14:122-123)

Photo is from bountyharvestcountrygospel.com.