


詩篇27:1 耶和華是我的亮光,是我的拯救,我還怕誰呢?

在苦難中,我們需要謀略得安慰和支持。在朝向末日的日子里,我們需要能力得勝利。這兩樣都是我們需要的。詩篇有許多地方就給了基督徒苦難中的力量,艱辛中的安慰。經文挺直我們的脊梁,讓我們忍耐中有盼望。上帝就是這樣帶領基督徒的。這是上帝的方式。若有人不知道這方式,他就不認識基督是甚麼樣的君王。——馬丁路德(《聖彼得和保羅日的講道》)(Erlangen Edition6:294f)

The Lord Fortifies Us to the End

Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Yes, God gives peace even in the midst of temptation, yet he does it in such a way that all the time you are going uphill and downhill and uphill again. One moment it is night, the next day, and then it is soon night again. It is not always night and not always day; it changes from one to the other so that at one time it is night, at anther day, and soon it is night again. That is how God rules his Christian church, as we can see from all the stories of the Old and the New Testaments.
This is called the power of the Lord, that he is not a counselor and comforter who, when he has given us his Word, turns away from us and does nothing more for us, but God helps in order to bring our sufferings to an end. If we are led into temptation, he gives us his faithful counsel and fortifies us with his Word, so that we do not sink to the ground from weakness but are able to remain on our feet. But when the hour comes and we have suffered enough, he comes with power and we succeed and gain the victory.
We need both counsel, to comfort and uphold us in our sufferings, and power to win through to the end. All the psalms give Christians strength in suffering; that is, they comfort us in our afflictions so that our backs do not break but we continue in hope and patience. Thus he leads all Christians.
That is God’s way. Anyone who does not know that does not know what sort of a king Christ is.(Sermon on St. Peter and St. Paul’s Day)(Erlangen Edition6:294f)

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