


詩篇2:10-11 現在,你們君王應當省悟!你們世上的審判官該受管教!當存畏懼事奉耶和華,又當存戰兢而快樂。


所以,讓教會用信實、懇切的禱告,祈求上帝支持他們,抵擋那惡敵,就是魔鬼。這不但是我們向上帝獻上的蒙悅納的奉獻,也使我們必需的、有益的福利臨到我們自己身上。能夠生活在一位良善的、有益的君主統治之下是多麼有福的啊!他尋求、加增、托付著上帝的榮耀、和眾民的福利。正如聖經所說的那樣,這些是上帝最華美的祝福。——馬丁路德(AE 60:314)

Pray For Protection

Psalm 2:10-11 Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (诗 2:10–11). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
And we see in the sacred histories, as well in all the histories of the Gentiles, how many and various are the stratagems and tricks through which the devil has always sought to rule at the courts of kings and princes (for he sees that from them issues the greatest and most wholesome benefits for the church and state), and striven to overturn everything. Thus, unless this prayer surrounds and encloses a prince—「May the name of the God of Jacob protect you; may He send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion」 [Ps. 20:1–2]—he will certainly not be able to carry his burden and to endure all by himself in the midst of so many dragons, serpents, wolves, foxes, and whatever worse monsters there be, the servants of the raging devil, that is, in the midst of deceitful counselors, faithless friends, traitorous servants, and rapacious nobles. And yet he is compelled to live and rule among them. ……
Wherefore let the church …… with faithful and earnest prayers to God support them against their chief enemy, the devil. In this way we not only make a most agreeable offering to God but also bestow a necessary and salutary benefit upon ourselves. For who can express adequately in thought, much less in words, what a blessing it is to live under a good and beneficent prince who seeks, increases, and upholds the glory of God and the well-being of the commonwealth? These are the gifts and (as Scripture says) the most splendid blessings of God. (AE 60:314)

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