



保羅在這裡回答說:人沒有功德(好行為)這回事!所有被稱為義人的人都是白白地稱義的。他們稱義唯獨因為上帝的恩典。並且,因為他們接受了賜給他們的義,所以,得到了天國和永恆的生命。——馬丁路德(《論自由意志的捆綁》,取自《路德文集》第二卷,p. 542,1525年)



這就是信心!這就是福音!這就是基督!——馬丁路德(《馬丁路德對隱修誓言的審判》, 1522年)


There Is No Human’s Merits, Only God’s Grace
Romans 3:23-24
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

There Is No Merit
Paul here replies that there is no such thing as merit, but all who are justified are justified freely (gratis), and this is to be ascribed to nothing but the grace of God. With the gift of righteousness, moreover, there are given also the Kingdom and eternal life. (AE 33:267)

Merits And God’s Glory Cannot Stand Together
This is trust in one’s own works, and no plague and opponent of faith or trust in the mercy of God is more destructive. Therefore Moses demolishes it here with many words throughout the whole chapter. It robs God of His glory, for these two cannot stand side by side: to glory in God and His mercy, and to glory in ourselves because of our righteousness and works. He disproves this righteousness with three strong arguments. (AE 9:102)

Merits And Grace Cannot Stand Together
It is necessary that everyone should know at least a little about the distinction between grace and merit, for the two are mutually exclusive. When grace is being preached, certainly merit cannot be preached; and what is grace cannot be merit, for 「otherwise grace would no longer be grace,」 says St. Paul (Rom. 11:6). Since that is beyond every doubt, anyone who confuses these two causes the people to go astray and misleads both himself and those who listen to him. (AE 21:285)

Christ’s Work Alone On His Merits For Others
Well, just listen! It is Christ’s work alone to help and save others by his merits and works. The works of others help no one, not even those who do them, for the text still stands, 「The just shall live by his faith」 [Rom. 1:17].
Now faith establishes us on the foundation of the works of Christ without our own works, and transfers us from the exile of our own sins into the kingdom of his righteousness. This is faith, this is the gospel, this is Christ.(AE 44:287)

Not Rewards of Merits, But Grace and Consolation
Of course I hear Christ saying (Matt. 5:3): ‘Blessed are the poor, for they shall have the kingdom of heaven’; and (Matt. 5:11, 12): ‘Blessed are you when you suffer persecution for My sake, for your reward is great in heaven.’ But by these statements He is not teaching me where to build the foundation of my salvation, but giving me a promise that is to console me in my sufferings and in my Christian life. You must not confuse this and throw the two into the same pot, nor make my merit out of what God gives me in Christ through Baptism and the Gospel. (AE 21:293)
photo is from admadureira-estiva.blogspot.com.