


21 萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:「你們將燔祭加在平安祭上,吃肉吧!22 因為我將你們列祖從埃及地領出來的那日,燔祭平安祭的事我並沒有提說,也沒有吩咐他們。23 我只吩咐他們這一件說:『你們當聽從我的話,我就作你們的上帝,你們也作我的子民。你們行我所吩咐的一切道,就可以得福。』




詩篇50:13-15 我豈吃公牛的肉呢?我豈喝山羊的血呢?你們要以感謝為祭獻與上帝,又要向至高者還你的願,並要在患難之日求告我;我必搭救你,你也要榮耀我。
詩篇51:16-17 你本不喜愛祭物,若喜愛,我就獻上;燔祭,你也不喜悅。上帝所要的祭就是憂傷的靈;上帝啊,憂傷痛悔的心,你必不輕看。
詩篇4:5 當獻上公義的祭,又當倚靠耶和華。
詩篇116:17 我要以感謝為祭獻給你,又要求告耶和華的名。



What Is The Worship that God Wants?
28 So, even in the Old Testament, the prophets condemn the opinion of the people about the outward act (opus operatum) and teach the righteousness and sacrifices of the Spirit. 「I did not speak to your fathers or command them concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. But this command I gave them: ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God,’ 」 and so on (Jeremiah 7:22–23). How do we suppose that the Jews received this charge, which seems to conflict openly with Moses? God clearly gave the fathers commands about burnt offerings and victims. But Jeremiah condemns the opinion about sacrifices that God had not delivered, namely, that these services please Him by the outward act. Concerning faith, he adds that God had commanded this: 「Hear Me,」 that is, 「believe Me that I am your God, and that I wish to be known when I care for you and help you. I do not need your sacrificial victims. Believe that I want to be God the Justifier and Savior, not because of works, but because of My Word and promise. Truly seek and expect help from Me from the heart.」
29 Psalm 50:13–15, which rejects sacrificial victims and requires prayer, also condemns the opinion about the outward act (opus operatum): 「Do I eat the flesh of bulls …?」 「Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.」 The psalmist testifies that this is true service and true honor if we call upon Him from the heart.
Likewise, 「Sacrifice and offering You have not desired, but You have given me an open ear」 (Psalm 40:6), that is, 「You have offered me Your Word that I may hear it, and You do require that I believe Your Word and Your promises. You truly desire to care for me and to help,」 and so on. Likewise, 「You will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise」 (Psalm 51:16–17). 「Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the Lord」 (Psalm 4:5). He asks us to hope, and says that this is a righteous sacrifice, meaning that other sacrifices are not true and righteous sacrifices. And, 「I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the Lord」 (Psalm 116:17).
30 Scripture is full of such references that teach that sacrifices by the outward act (ex opere operato) do not reconcile God. Since Levitical services have been repealed, the New Testament teaches that new and pure sacrifices will be made: faith, prayer, thanksgiving, confession, the preaching of the Gospel, troubles on account of the Gospel, and the like. (Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions Edited by McCain, P. T. (2005) p. 225–226 St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.)

If we believe that worship is one of the good works we do to please God, then this is exact what Martin Luther talked as “extreme idolatry”, already happened in his time.

22 Beside this, there is also a false worship and extreme idolatry, which we have practiced up to now. This is also still common in the world. All churchly orders are founded on it. It concerns the conscience alone, which seeks help, consolation, and salvation in its own works. This conscience imagines it can wrestle heaven away from God and thinks about how many requests it has made, how often it has fasted, celebrated Mass, and so on. Upon such things it depends and boasts, as though unwilling to receive anything from God as a gift. For it wants to earn or merit heaven with abundant works. The conscience acts as though God must serve us and is our debtor, and we are His liege lords. 23 What is this but reducing God to an idol—indeed, an apple-god—and elevating and regarding ourselves as God? But this point is a little too clever and is not for young pupils.

——Martin Luther (Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions Edited by McCain, P. T. (2005) p. 360–361 St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.)
photo is from lutheranchurchbrevardnc.com.